About Us
Jarchi Export Production Group (Farabard Tejarat Sohail Company) has special facilities for production and packaging of original and high-quality saffron and with a specialized saffron laboratory with modern technologies, it produces and packs a high-quality product without any contamination and germs, with a natural aroma, taste and color according to global standards and offers it in domestic and export markets.
Unfortunately, due to the fake, low-quality and unhealthy saffron in the market and the sensitivity of saffron and its high price and giving assurance and guarantee to customers - consumers who are sensitive to the authenticity and quality of their saffron - conducting tests related to saffron. (Coloring power, fragrance and microbial tests and chemical physics) are necessary to ensure the authenticity of the saffron product and its quality.
This company promises to dear customers and consumers of Jarchi products that all packed products have quality and tested facilities. Therefore, due to the quality sensitivities of Jarchi collection since the beginning of its establishment, at the same time as the company started working, Jarchi saffron specialized laboratory also started to operate in two separate departments (physicochemical and microbial).
According to being of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, Jarchi laboratory always complies with the management and technical requirements of this standard in a proper manner and strives in the field of continuous improvement and effectiveness of the main processes of the laboratory with the aim of satisfying its customers. Currently, Jarchi Laboratory has been introduced on the website of Iran Standards Organization as the holder of ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory quality management standard certificate in the field of physics, chemistry and microbiology of saffron in Iran.